Online donations
We accept online donations by credit card or Paypal. Although credit card payments are processed through Paypal, you do not have to have a Paypal account to donate in this way. Please leave a note and select the check box to share your mailing address with us so that we may send you a thank you note. We deeply appreciate your support.
By check
Checks may be sent to: UUCT, 6400 New Watermelon Rd, Tuscaloosa, AL 35406. Please indicate in the memo line whether the donation is toward your pledge, is for the general operating fund (Offering), or is for some other special fund.
Amazon Smile
When you shop at Amazon, please consider supporting UUCT through the Amazon Smile program. To associate your Amazon account with UUCT, begin by going to:
This link should find the church’s Smile account and allow you to associate it with your Amazon account. The church will then receive 0.5% of your purchase. Every little bit helps.