Environmental Justice
The Seventh Unitarian Universalist Principle summons UUs to demonstrate, “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” We recognize that planet Earth is on a precipice for destruction by climate change. Our ecological systems are threatened by chemical agents that are polluting our air, poisoning our waters, and despoiling our land. The resources of our planet are being exploited at an unsustainable rate. Compounding these challenges, our political leaders appear unable or unwilling to address these problems.
When it comes to stewardship of our land and the health of our people, Alabama has had a particularly sad history. Inadequate resources devoted to regulating polluting industries coupled with an inadequate political will by Alabama’s governmental leaders has resulted in degraded rivers and lakes, overharvesting of Alabama’s minerals, fisheries, and forests, and health problems for many citizens who have been exposed to harmful agents. This is especially true in communities whose residents, due to racism or classism, lack the economic resources and/or political power to successfully defend themselves from polluters and despoilers.
In the Tuscaloosa-West Alabama region, our UUCT Social Justice Team members work closely with Black Warrior Riverkeeper and the Friends of Hurricane Creek to protect our watersheds from destruction by ecologically insensitive coal mining and land use decision making that ravages low income communities to maximize corporate profits. A description of our work with these organizations is provided in the links associated with this topic.