Social Justice Response to Alabama Law Affecting LGBTQ+ people
The members of the Social Justice Team at UUCT adopted this statement on April 12, 2022. We are a Welcoming Congregation and support of the LGBTQ+ community is our commitment.
We, the members of the Social Justice Team at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Tuscaloosa declare the laws recently enacted by the state of Alabama, SB 184 and HB 322, to be cruel and inhumane. These bills are designed to erase the lives and love of LGBTQ+ members of our congregation and our society. The misinformation and hate behind these bills seeks to substitute the disinterested and intolerant position of the state over the acts of loving families and their doctors and to marginalize an already vulnerable segment of our communities.
It is one of our UU Principles to recognize the dignity and worth of every person; therefore, we declare it is our right of religious practice to support all LGBTQ+ people, including trans youth, in their quest for acknowledgment as part of our society, self-determination, and life-affirming care.