“Bridges Lead to New Discoveries”

UUCT is delighted to be joining in partnership with UUCB. As part of our transition-to-partnership process, please join us to enjoy this on-theme sermon on the importance of bridging by Rev. Julie Conrady. This sermon took place on May 22 on the day that the children’s bridging ceremony took place at UUCB. Another type of bridging began at this service. Representatives of the UUCT partnership exploration committee joined this service to co-announce with Rev. Julie and representatives of the UUCB partnership exploration committee that the two congregations were beginning exploration of the possibility of partnership. Last Sunday we experienced the successful culmination of this work in our Congregational meeting when we unanimously voted to enter into a pilot year of partnership with UUCB. In this sermon Rev. Julie reflects on the importance of different kinds of bridging for growing and supporting people and communities. We will watch the sermon together on Sunday, framed by our own local service components and live music (if you’d like to watch the UUCB service in its entirety later, it is on the UUCB youtube channel, see the May 22, 2022 offering: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQW_LEYU0n8vIrNMxiwkPPA).