Speaker: Rev. Ruth Vann Lillian

Online Service

Join us on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/lyrsvTRS0jk
The video will be available at 10:15. Please start with us right at 10:30, and join us for coffee and conversation on Zoom at 11:10. Please feel free to share in the comments at the time of Joys and Concerns.


Lay Leader: Deb Crocker
Greeter: Jim Colby
Collection Volunteer: Ed Stephenson
Person of the Week: Carl Clements


Lay Leader: Lynn Snow
Greeter: Jim Colby
Collection Volunteer: Ed Stephenson
Person of the Week: Bev Roskos

Shaped Like a Can

Lay Leader: Selena Woodruff /
Greeter: Jim Colby /
Collection volunteer: Susan Duff-Koniak /

Person of the Week: Beki Spurrier /

Thanksgiving Potluck to follow.