August Split-the-Plate Caring Days

Split-the-Plate is our UUCT charitable practice arising from our Social Justice mission. Each month we designate a worthy organization compatible with our values to reviece our contribution. Half the cash and half the checks not designated as UUCT pledges collected in the offering bowl will go to that recipient.

This month we support Caring Days, Tuscaloosa’s own Day Program for Adults with Alzheimer’s disease and other memory disorders. Innovative programming provides cognitive and social stimulation music, arts, crafts, and exercise to allow participants to use their abilities. Caring Days is a happy place where people enjoy their time together with a further benefit of allowing the home caregiver some time apart. Some 45 clients attend, up to ten hours a day, Monday-Friday. Client fees provide only half the operating costs; the other half comes from contributions and fundraisers.

UUCT is one of 21 congregations committed to supporting Caring Days. For at least five years, we have contributed to their major fundraiser in August, Walk 2 Remember. We’ll do that this year through Split-the-Plate, allowing our entire congregation to support Caring Days as they can.

Additionally, we welcome those who have contributed individually so generously in the past to continue their direct support. Checks can be written to “Caring Days Adult Day Care” with “Walk 2 Remember” in the memo line. Those checks can go in the offering bowl as well. Contributors of at least $40 can receive this year’s commemorative t-shirt.

Walk 2 Remeber – Saturday, August 25 – 9:30-11:00am
Inside the University Mall

For more information, contact Pat Clements, UUCT Representative to Caring Congregations for Caring Days at