Author: Ed Stephenson

Feed Them From Home

A UUCT food drive for the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry at Grace
Presbyterian Church.

Please collect non-perishable food items during your usual grocery run
and hold them at home. You have three weeks. Volunteers will come
pick up your donations from your doorstep … read more.

April Split-the-Plate Partner: Druid City Pride

Druid City Pride is a supportive, visible force with a strong presence as a LGBT+ organization that stands up for LGBT+ rights and was recently approved as a 501 (c)(3) non-profit community organization

Serving and advocating for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning … read more.

March 22 Service will be ONLINE

Join us tomorrow for our first ONLINE service on YouTube! Just search for UU Congregation of Tuscaloosa! Links will be posted as soon as the first video goes live!


Dear UUCT Members and Friends,

Due to the city, state, and national state of emergency, the decision has been made to cancel our service tomorrow morning. We are erring on the side of caution and feel, at this point, that the best thing we can … read more.

SAVE THE DATE: Annual Congregational Meeting

Sunday, April 26, 2020
15 minutes after the service ends
Light snacks and childcare will be available
Tentative Agenda (as of 2/15/20):
Call to Order
Certification of Quorum (25% of membership)
Minutes of April 2019 Annual Business Meeting
Stewardship Report
Proposed 2020-21 Budget
Leadership Development Team … read more.