Sunday, April 26, 2020
15 minutes after the service ends
Light snacks and childcare will be available
Tentative Agenda (as of 2/15/20):
Call to Order
Certification of Quorum (25% of membership)
Minutes of April 2019 Annual Business Meeting
Stewardship Report
Proposed 2020-21 Budget
Leadership Development Team Report
Nominees for Board:
· President-Elect (1st year of 3-year presidential cycle, 2020-23)
· Past President (1 year, 2020-21) to fill unexpired term of Debbie Walsh-Heymann
· Secretary (2 years, 2020-22) replacing Beki Spurrier whose term is ending
· At-Large Trustee (2 years, 2020-22) replacing Sharon Freeman whose term is ending
Nominees for Leadership Development:
· Member (2 years, 2020-22) replacing Shompa Data whose term is ending
· Member (2 years, 2020-22) replacing Susan Duff-Koniak whose term is ending
Elections to Board of Trustees & Leadership Development Team
Recognition of 2019-20 Volunteers & Leaders
Other business*
*PLEASE NOTE!! If you have “other business” or additional items for the
agenda, contact Karen Croneis by 12 noon Thursday, March 12th.
According to the Bylaws, the congregation may take action only on items on the FINAL agenda.
The Board plans to finalize the agenda at its March 12th meeting.